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Stay tuned for the next webinar and workshop in 2021!

Previous Sessions

How States are Moving the Emissions Needle, which took place

on November 20, was the second in our series

This discussion covered state and multi-state tools for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, funding sustainable transportation, and enacting policy change. It featured presentations from the Georgetown Climate Center, the California Air Resources Board, and Our Streets Minneapolis and was followed by a 30-minute workshop consisting of facilitated breakout sessions covering topics such as How state and federal policy can interact to cut emissions, what policies have and will work at the state level, strategies for advancing change at the state house, and anticipating efficacy and measuring impact.

You can watch the full recording, read the summary, and download speaker presentations on the Shared-Use Mobility Center’s MOD Learning Center.

The series kicked off on October 27 with the Mobility Hubs to

Connect Communities Webinar and Workshop

This two-part virtual event featured presentations of mobility hubs projects led by nonprofit organizations, a metropolitan planning organization, and city governments from the United States and Europe; then broke out into discussion sessions focused on mobility hubs in four different contexts: Regional, City, Community, and European. Each session was an educational and tactical discussion of lessons learned, key issues to address, and opportunities to seize in Mobility Hub planning and implementation.
You can watch the full recording, read the summary, and download speaker presentations on the Shared-Use Mobility Center’s MOD Learning Center.